+91 8479838828
More Organic Traffic


Category :SEO case study

Date :12 Oct, 2019

Project Brief:

A lot of companies focus on paid promotions and ad campaigns to boost their website traffic. However, they often forget the importance of SEO to drive website traffic.
If you can boost your organic traffic, it will be beneficial for you in the long run. Why? Because you won't be dependent on referral traffic and paid promotions to drive traffic to your website.

My client started the website back in 2011 and until 2016, He used to get a few thousand annual organic visitors. But he wanted to improve this number and get more organic traffic to help me compete with the leading players in his industry.


1. Keyword Competition
He was comparatively new in the field and was competing with leading players in the industry. We were all competing for popular keywords. Due to the high intensity of competition and poor backlinks, his website was ranking lower in organic search results for these and other keywords.
2. Fewer Website Visits
In 2016, his website's total organic traffic was a little short of 10,000 visitors. Due to lower site ranking in organic searches, He used to get a very low number of website visits from search results.
3. Poor Backlinks
The domain authority for his website was also low because didn't yet gained enough backlinks from reputed industry sources. There were some smaller referring domains, but he wasn't getting good quality backlinks from websites with high domain authority.

Step - 1 

1. Backlink Audit and Disavow Bad Links & Perfect On-Page Optimization

The first thing that I did was to conduct a thorough backlink audit focussed on checking the number and quality of backlinks. I updated site disavow sheet and removed all poor quality backlinks. And we still regularly audit backlinks.

Step - 2 

Proper Content Planning and Posting

We prepared a content calendar and started posting content regularly. We also used tools like Buffer to schedule content posting for social media platforms.

I used various forms of organic content promotion and distribution channels to get my content noticed. This included consistently promoting my website's content through blog posts, guest posts, emails, newsletters, and social media. We also use content tools like Quuu to make the process more efficient.

Step - 3

Link Earning Approach

This allowed me to earn some good quality backlinks from reputed sources. For example, I regularly write guest posts on websites like Social Media.

I also created infographics that could be posted on multiple websites to earn backlinks from different websites using the same content. I have also hosted several podcasts covering specialized industry topics to build my reputation in the field. I have participated in several such forums and have spoken about topics in my area of expertise.

After implementing the solutions and techniques mentioned above, I was able to improve his website's organic SEO performance.

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Our SEO process begins with a through analysis and understanding of your business and marketing goals. We love to work as co-partner with our clients to draft a well-deserving strategy. Get high quality backlinks from real websites.