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E-Commerce Websites SEO


Category :SEO case study

Date :12 Oct, 2019

Project Brief:

Whether you believe SEO is critical to your site's success or not, there is no denying that SEO holds the key to ranking in search engines. Studies show 43% of website traffic is driven by search rankings and 70%-80% of people actually ignore paid search results. This article will describe the analysis of the study and start the analysis by investigating the development in the e-commerce company's SEO visibility score.

Now, analyse e-commerce sites using the following SEO criteria:
SEO Visibility, Incoming Links, Technical SEO, Performance, On-Page SEO 

Step - 1

1. SEO Visibility

An SEO visibility score is a score of how visible a website is in search engines. In the analysis, we have investigated the website's SEO visibility and calculated the percentage difference to analyze how the website's visibility evolves over time. When Google is evaluating which page is most relevant for the user, it considers many different factors.

We normally recommend a PageSpeed score above 80%, which equates to a site load speed of two seconds or under.Studies show that a website's PageSpeed is one of the biggest reasons people bounce away.

Step - 2

Incoming links

Incoming links are still one of the most important factors in SEO. Therefore, every company who is working seriously with their organic traffic should work with a link-building strategy that can grow the number of referring domains that link to them. Since all e-commerce companies have websites targeting multiple countries, they are more attractive to link to than just a website that is present in UK.


Technical SEO

10 SEO technical parameters that can influence your website's performance such as HTTPS, mobile friendliness and 404 errors was investigated.

Mobile - Friendly

Surprisingly is not all websites are mobile friendly, in spite of the fact that over 50% of all traffic and conversions today come from a mobile device.


We strongly recommend that all e-commerce websites use HTTPS.Use of HTTPS has a direct effect on rankings and it also signals trustworthiness. Studies have shown that customers tend to buy more on a site where the chances of getting hacked are lower.


Furthermore, when considering that almost all the 50 biggest e-commerce websites are international sites that have sites in more countries, it was quite a surprise to discover that only 62% of them have implemented Hreflang Hreflang show search engines that there is a relationship between web pages in alternate languages. Implementing this tag can really boost your rankings.

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